A Step in the Right Direction

What to bring

We provide wipes for all children. Parents provide their own nappy rash creams for their child. We change each child roughly four times a day (every 2-3 hours) you can bring in four each day or provide us with a bag/box and we will inform you as they are running low.

It helps us to have at least two complete changes of clothes for your child each day. If they are wet you will find these in a plastic bag in your child’s cubby. If they are soiled you will find these double bagged on the bathroom counter for you to collect and your child’s name will be recorded on the chart by the sign in sheet.

Please do not leave medicine in your child’s bag or cubby, we store these in the resource room so that we can ensure the children are not able to get a hold of them. You can either hand all medicines to a teacher or place them on the bench in the resource room. We will also require you to fill out our medicine register for your permission to administer it.

We provide all food, however if you need anything extra due to allergies or other personal reasons please also hand these to a teacher so that we can put them out of reach of the children. No food is to be left in bags/cubbies.

Breast milk – Please either hand to a teacher or place in the fridge for us each morning.
Cows milk – Please either hand to a teacher or place in the fridge. Ideally we ask that you provide us only with milk for a single day rather than a large bottle as we only have limited space and we can have several children needing to store milk in our fridge each day.
Formula – Ideally we ask that you use a sectioned container with individually measured portions ready for us to use rather than a tin, as we only have limited space and can have a lot of children needing to store formula each day. We do have these available for purchase if you would like one.

We provide cot sheets which are only used for 1 child and are professionally cleaned once a week. We also have blankets, however if your child uses a sleep sack, a special toy, dummy, blanket or any other special item to get to sleep please bring these with you as well.